Sold 7/11/24 $1,117.500.00 ON 1,875.57AC grass or $596/ac 29Mi NE of Byers – CRP / Grazing / Wind Income
1920 AC Grass with CRP / Grazing / Wind Income
1920 AC Grass with CRP, Grazing & Wind Income 29 Mi NE Byers or 29 Mi S of Ft Morgan (Shamrock CO)
- Address: 97240 E 96th Avenue, Fort Morgan CO 80701. From Shamrock CO go 1 Mile S on Shamrock Mile Rd and 1 & 1/2 Mile West to Entrance (Tire on Post and Colorado Land Realty Sign).
- Location: From Byers CO go North on US Hwy 36 1 & 1/2 Miles and Follow Hwy 36 as Curves East then Continue East for Another 11 Miles to Hanks Crossing Rd then go North 9 Miles to 96th Ave then go East 8 Miles to the Property Entrance on the South Side. Watch for Tire on Post and Colorado Land Realty Sign.
- Legal: All of Sections 22, 23, and 27, Township 2 South, Range 58 West of the 6th PM County of Adams.
- Acreage: 1,920 +/- Total Acres (Per Adams County Assessor) There Is No Current Survey of the Property. Of the 1,920 Acres, 1,413.10 Acres Is Enrolled into the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), 295 +/- Acres Is Fenced for Pasture, and 212 +/- Acres in the Creek Bottom Is Cut for Hay.
- Price: $1,740,000 or $906 per Acre. No Owner Carry. Broker May Have Short Term Private Financing Options.
- CRP Income: Property Is Enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program Expiring 9/30/2030. Owner Is Receiving $20,306.00 Annual Cash Rent; However, It Could Be Withdrawn for Farming or Grazing by Paying a Penalty of Approximately $26,000.00.
- Pasture Rent: Owner Has Historically Leased the 295 Acres Grass and 212 Acres Creek Bottom for Approx. $4,000 per Year Depending on Rainfall; However, It Is Not Leased This Year Due to the Extreme Drought Conditions.
- Wind Income: The Property Is Leased to NextEra Energy for a Period of 8 Years for the Potential of Commercial Wind Towers at an Annual Lease Payment of $3.00 per Acre or $5,760.00 per Year. If Developed, Potentially 1 Tower per 160+/- Acres Paying $15,000 per Tower per Year. Development of the Project Would Allow for the CRP Program, Farming, or Grazing to Continue.
- Water: Stock Well 289177 Located in the NW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 22 Drilled in August of 2014 Is 40 Feet Deep and Producing Good Stock Water.
- Minerals: Property Includes Minerals if Full Price Offer; Otherwise, Minerals Are Negotiable.
- Taxes: 2020 Taxes Are $765.00 or $2.39 per Acre.
Note: The Information Contained Herein Is Reliable but Not Guaranteed by Seller or Broker. This Offer Is Subject to Error, Prior Sale, or Withdrawal. Broker Is a Transaction (Neutral) Broker.
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