Grassland 25 Miles Ne of Byers, CO

  • A large grassy field with a white sky in the background.

  • A dirt road going through a grassy field.

  • A field of tall grass with a blue sky in the background

  • A field of tall grass with a blue sky in the background.

  • A dirt road going through a grassy field.

Sold 2/7/2024 38.55 Acres Grassland 25 Mi Ne Of Byers Or 32 Mi S of Ft Morgan (Near Shamrock CO) $55,000.00

38.55 Acres Grassland 25 Miles Ne of Byers CO (Near Shamrock CO)

  • Address: 9065 Prospect Way Road, Fort Morgan CO 80701. Call Broker for a map, also on the website.
  • Location: From Byers CO go North on US Hwy 36 1&1/2 miles and follow Hwy 36 as curves East then continue East for another 11 miles to Hanks Crossing Rd then go North 9 miles to 96th Ave then go East 6 miles to Prospect Way Road then 1/2 mile South to the Property. Watch for signs.
  • Legal: Property lies in the E1/2 of Section 20, Township 2 South, Range 58 West of the 6th PM County of Adams.
  • Acreage: 38.55+/- Total Acres per Land Survey Plat recorded with Adams County.
  • Price: $70,000.00 or $1,816 per acre. No owner carries. Brokers may have short term private financing options.
  • Water: No well on the Property. There are no underground aquifers but only shallow (alluvium) water. Nearby Well Permit #275792 has been tested but runs dry shortly after pumping. Obtaining a good well on this Property will likely be difficult to impossible.
  • Minerals: Mineral rights have been reserved by previous owners.
  • Taxes: 2023 taxes are about $79 or $2.20 per acre.

Note:  The information contained herein has been obtained from reliable sources but is not guaranteed by Seller or Broker. This offer is subject to error, change, prior sale or withdrawal. Broker is a Transaction (neutral) Broker and not the agent of the Seller.

Contact us today to learn more about this property.

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